

Keep Looking

Keep Looking
Keep Looking

Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations
Good Vibrations

Be That Easy

Easy like;

Waking up late, your makeup still on from the night before. Once, it was because you sobbed yourself sober after a heartbreak you just didn't see coming. This time, it's because you danced all night long with your best friends, and don't exactly remember getting home and eating cold Thai noodles or taking that Uber from the East Village, Uptown, back to Brooklyn, then over the bridge, again
You've lost your wallet, it held your passport, 
bankcard, and a photo of your ex that you just couldn't bring yourself to let go of; it's getting lost, long overdue. Some times, you're not as responsible as you're willing to admit. You don't wash your face before bed, sit on the floor eating takeout, watching mindless television, and doing things like losing your wallet, or holding onto sentiments that are better off getting lost, then found by someone else. 

Then there are the nights that remind you of who you are now. Laughing until sunrise and reminiscing with your two best girlfriends about where life has taken you, so far. Old friends, who know you from the inside-out and can remind you of that time you cried on their stoop for over three hours, just because he didn't call you back. Who remind you of how far you've come, how much you've dared to love and be loved in return. And, although the tears won't ever really stop coming, this time they're because one of us has gotten married, another giving birth to their first baby girl, one of us falling in love for the first time since college, buying an apartment all on their own, as a pair, two-by-two, old flames, or new ones; finally. 

Like a lost bird,
found. Like everything you've ever needed, come back to you. Twice over
No, things will not always be perfect, and the people you love, will somehow let you down. 
You might even let yourself down, more than a time or two. But what won't fail you, is the fire that burns within, whether you choose to feel it
or not.

If you've been in search of something to rekindle your free spirit, you are not alone.  

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