

Keep Looking

Keep Looking
Keep Looking

Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations
Good Vibrations


On love, compassion, divinity and the lure of your own becoming.

I would be lying bold-facely to you, if I said I didn't sometimes sacrifice my best self for others. Even the idea of being criticized by family for my curly hair makes me cringe to pieces. To avoid hearing how ugly my natural hair looks, I am tempted to roll my curls into a bun so tight, it actually feels like my brain is shrinking. This feeling is never worth it. Especially not after I've tasted the sensation of personal liberation; setting my curls and feelings free.

I march because I've nothing if not for my voice, my body, my art, my freedom.

I write, to create a space that speaks to who I am today and how I feel
about who that woman is. I write, so these words can be found
by a young girl somewhere in the world who looks like me, with eyes bright like two sunshines and curly hair she

can't deny and doesn't want to.

She is magic and powerful beyond measure. She looks in the mirror and tries to fit in but fitting in, she'll later learn, is never worth the cost of losing her tiny self. This same girl will be measured up to her neighbors and their friends, her classmates and theirs, the church and its.

Which way to the country club, how long
until lent is over.

She'll be asked every - other - day, from strangers she won't ever get to know, about her skin before her name, her parents
where were they from, anyway?
her hair, how long does it take to straighten? Isn't she so lucky
that she gets to have the best of both worlds, people pay a lot of money to get perms
for these curls, you know?

She'll live freely and innocently, not knowing that her brown skin and beauty threatens others. Until she's thirteen and stripped of her essence the second she is called a n*gger, by a girl named Laura. She'll get silenced, she will shrink. She will still try to fit in and deny, deny, deny who she really is. She, will even make excuses for Laura's ignorance. But she,
has never been made to fit into only one dimension. She isn't too dark, too skinny, too flirty, too pretty, too smart, too funny for a girl, too sarcastic, too much resting bitch face. She just is. Therefore, she is perfect.

Whoever you are, wherever in the world you might be,

I hope that you are reading this and will know. When we feel as though we've nothing left to lose, all we can do is create and reassure each other in believing that
are all
worthy of the love we were born to find in this lifetime.

We are all one

And together we can make history.

Please help advocate the women's movement here.


  1. You're amazing! I've missed reading your blog.
    Loving your hair, too
    F. x

  2. I loved reading this, you are amazing and I'm inspired by you!


  3. you truly remind me of a model. love ur hair! xO!



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