

Keep Looking

Keep Looking
Keep Looking

Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations
Good Vibrations


VUSE VIBE Paid Advertisement 

Last-minute packing a few of my favorite things and realizing how sweet it feels to minimize. 

About a week ago, I packed to set out on a roadtrip with girlfriends to the Women's March on Washington. Our message? Love Never Fails and Only Love is Real. Now, with a fire of a different kind, I’m off on a wintery weekender. Simplicity being the point of arrival, especially when it comes to how much luggage a girl can honestly carry,  I slowly set aside a short-list of must-have’s. It’s clear to me now more than ever that nothing matters more than filling my heart with love and keeping my bags filled with necessities.

Bundled in my newly found metallic jacket, I pack a few soft knits to wear by the fire, film to remember what we all looked like and how we all felt. A soy candle and patchouli because, mood. My journal and Delta of Venus, because moody.

And a few more essentials to spice up the experience, like my new VUSE VIBE vape, because the refreshing melon and silky nectar flavors have got me sprung. And I cannot forget my favorite tunes to listen to while on the road. A playlist to remind my mind, that every day is new

With my heart leading the way and some essentials in my backpack, I feel ready for my next adventure. Keep the good vibes flowing. Keep the movement going. 

Brought to you by VUSE VIBE.

VUSE contains nicotine extracted from the tobacco plant.  Nicotine is addictive and no tobacco product has been shown to be safe.  Not for sale to minors.


  1. There is nothing wrong about this metallic jacket, but you already knew that! xx

    See my latest post:
    // downtown in my favorite jeans
    born bred BE - a blog by Alexia

  2. Sounds like you had an amazing time, and I can't wait to read more about it! You will like to see more fun from here.


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