The truth is life is changing all around me. I haven't lived one day the same in months and have been purposely on the road, fiercely protective of my freedom, learning to love myself again, and again,
and again. Something about never-really-ever being sure but having enough faith in yourself and in owing your truth, that will equally never-really-ever leave you empty-hearted.
My sorrows can be kept in the beehive hair full of secrets that Erin and Alex hold for me, and chronicled at a much later time. Right now,
it's about the understanding that life is bred through change. Learning to
exhale, as my wings stretch further than I, at first, feel comfortable to admit. Aware of a particular strength inherent to my backbone, passed down to me by the women in my family who I watched turn foreign land into home. This time, I am creating a space that I enjoy breathing in. An apartment here or cabin there. What has never failed me is the home I seek
then find within myself. The home I find in my friends and the memories we never shy away from. The roadmap to adventure I can hear when it's quiet enough. The answers, of course, that are always there in the
palm of my hand.
I take small leaps to uncover big truths. Leaps of intuition, of forgiveness, and trust. Trusting in my own power and remembering to be grateful for all the love we're being given.
Just like a sunbeam can't separate itself from the sun, and a wave can't separate itself from the ocean, we can't separate ourselves from one another.
We are all apart of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind.
Angels to the left of me and angels to the right.
Photos by @ShotbyJessica. Brought to you by Urban Outfitters featuring ceramics by Brian Giniewski, Impossible x UO Polaroid Camera, Embroidered Pillow, Hanging Planter similar here, Vintage Surplus Pant, Crap Eyewear similar here. Soundtrack Vibes here. Snacks ℅ Whole Foods Hi to Amanda, Landon, Lauren, Jamal, Jennifer, and Jorge, Love you's!
Nice sharing